New 45′ coming out

L’Idealista is the new release from Patatrac, the Italian anarchist blues group. 4 original songs that revive ancient ideals by exploring the musical territory of our direct ancestors, Neanderthal Blues at its best.

Trio Insolito e Patatrac prossimi appuntamenti sospesi per COVID-19

28 febbraio 2020, Trio Insolito, Bologna, Teatro degli Alemanni

8 marzo 2020, Trio Insolito, Forlimpopoli, Sala Aramini

14 marzo 2020, Trio Insolito, Firenze, L’Appartamento

19 marzo 2020, Patatrac, Piacenza, Mortizza in blues

4 aprile 2020, Palomino Brothers, Helmond (NL)

15 maggio 2020, Trio Insolito, Bologna, Teatro degli Angeli

Trio Insolito at Poli D’Arte Gallery, Spoleto

Palomino Brothers with Roger Trobridge

At Phil Leiwy’s house, we hade the pleasure to meet Roger Trobridge one of the major expert in harmonica worldwide. Great person and a true friend. Roger is actually managing The Harmonica Archivist web site, where he makes available precious harmonica recordings he collected during his excursions every where.

G Pasquinelli, R Trobridge and G Caselli (Aug 15 2019, London)